USA : Manifestation contre la vaccination de masse
Les activistes manifestent aux USA suite à la plainte déposée le 22 août 2009 pour organisation mondiale d'un crime de génocide par le Dr Horowitz et Sharri Kane, journaliste d'investigation, suite à la découverte d'un réseau criminel international.
Qui est Sherri Kane ?
Sherri Kane
Freelance Investigative Journalist
Co-Founder/Director of Marketing
Lettre adressée par Sos Justice au Parquet de Nice le 23 septembre 2009
Rappel de la plainte
Utilisez le traducteur Google
Criminals will be identified at the Denver Rally.
Investigative Journalist Sherri Kane put together these wanted for genocide posters. She will give the opening address at the Denver "Don't inject me" Protest and rally for Medical Freedom on Friday November 27th from noon to 2 PM on the west steps of the Denver Capitol.
These Eugenicists will be named, and we will call for all of them to be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz will give the keynote address at the protest.
As the Protest Organizer, I have been sending out updates and press releases on this event for two weeks. The only journalists who have shown any interest in our event have been talk radio hosts. To date, not one major media organization has taken the time or energy to cover this event.
The best resource on the web for information about the flu scam is Dr. Horowitz's site http://www.fluscam.com/Latest_News.html
Maybe you think that if you ignore this story, it will just go away. But each day that passes only means that more people will die. It is time to expose the frauds, stand up to the bullies, and tell those who think they are God, that they are going to be held accountable for the death, sickness, and mayhem being perpetrated on the world.
00:31 Publié dans Boycott vaccination, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Mobilisation mondiale, USA, Vaccin ou arme biologique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | |
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